

At G Enhance Veterinary Physiotherapy, a wide range of therapy techniques will be used during sessions. This will vary between clients depending on their assessment findings, clinical history and treatment aims. Therapies include Class 3b Laser, Westville Biomag 2, Manual therapies and Remedial Exercise.

(Please note only Manual Therapies and Remedial Exercise are included in Sports Massage Sessions, however these will differ from Physiotherapy)

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Class 3b Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy is a non-invasive and drug free treatment that uses specific red or infrared laser light wavelengths to generate therapeutic effects which include increasing healing and reducing pain by delivering light energy to the cells; stimulating the body’s metabolic processes and so improving cell function and releasing endorphins.

Laser Therapy has shown to be successful in treating:

Hip & Elbow Dysplasia


Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injuries

Wound Healing

Sacroiliac Disease/Pain

Kissing Spines

Tendonitis & Desmitis

Trigger Points

Muscular Pain

Swelling/ Oedema

Laser Therapy will often be used during your dog or horses Physiotherapy sessions for maintenance of long term conditions. However, G Enhance also offers shorter 30-40 minute Laser only sessions for canines and equines who require an initial intensive course at frequent intervals. These sessions will include 3-4 areas being treated with just laser therapy and block bookings are available and savings can be made!

The frequency of intense Laser Therapy sessions will depend on the individual, condition treated and budget. However, recommend doses include, twice a week for 1-2 weeks, then once a week for two weeks, then once every two weeks and then once a month maintenance, followed by as and when needed.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEFMT)

PEMFT is a non-invasive electrotherapy that delivers electromagnetic fields to aid in the natural repair of injuries by helping to establish the optimum conditions for healing to take place.

The benefits of PEMFT include:

- Provide Pain Relief

- Reduce Oedema

- Aid Muscle Healing

- Aid Ligament Healing

- Aid Tendon Healing

- Reduce Tension

- Reduce Swelling & Inflammation

- Increase Health of Joints

- Increase Blood Flow & Lymphatic Drainage

PEMFT will often be incorporated into both our Canine and Equine Physiotherapy sessions.

Manual Therapies

Manual Therapies include Massage and Myofascial Release Techniques, Stretching and Dynamic Mobilisations.

Massage will be used throughout all of my Physiotherapy and Sports Massage Therapy sessions, mainly focusing on the areas I feel will benefit from massage therapy the most.

 Massage enables for relaxation whilst also helping to increase blood flow to the muscles and so assisting in reducing muscle tightness and soreness.

Myofascial Release is used after massage and can include stretching and lengthening techniques. Myofascial release techniques, target the fascia which is a thin layer of connective tissue that sits under the skin of the whole body. Fascia can very often become stuck or stick to other structures in the body and so releasing this fascia can commonly increase suppleness throughout the whole body.

Remedial Exercise

At the end of both my Veterinary Physiotherapy and Sports Massage Therapy sessions, a variety of exercises will be demonstrated to you for you to carry out yourself in between your appointments, enabling you or your animal to continue improving. Exercise plans are tailored to the individual client and no client will be given the same exercise plan! After Veterinary Physiotherapy sessions, I will email you a copy of your animals’ exercise plan, including what exercises you should be doing with your animal and when you should be carrying them out!

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